Exposure limits and regulations
In the following summary you will find the differences between the German building biological SBM 2015 regulations and the international ICNIRP guidelines which are also valid in the Netherlands (In Dutch): Summary exposure limits and regulations
For specific information see the following official publications of both regulations:
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP): See ICNIRP guidelines . The ICNIRP guidelines are also the standard in the Netherlands. However, these guidelines are only based on thermal effects due to exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Next to thermal effects also biological effects have been discovered in extensive scientific research.
The German building biological SBM 2015 regulations (In German): See SBM 2015
Radiation intensity per radiation source (In Dutch): See Radiation intensity per radiation source
With regard to low frequent alternating magnetic fields, there is no official standard. However, a maximum exposure of 400 nT (nanoTesla) or 0.4 µT (microTesla) is recommended for overhead power lines, as there are indications of an increased risk of leukemia in children. See health effects from exposure to magnetic fields from power lines (Dutch). This recommendation does not apply to underground cables and transformers.