Testimonials Life Rhythm

Mr. Rino Groenenberg, Eindhoven, Netherlands

In the past I have tried various anti-radiation products, the effect of which was not always noticeable. With Life Rhythm I noticed the difference right from the first day. If I held my smart phone in my hand for more than half an hour, I often got tingling in my hand. With Life Rhythm this is now only after an hour. I don’t have the idea that the radiation is completely gone, but that the effect is different. I also do meal deliveries, for which the mobile phone is essential for me. I used to come home tired. Now with Life Rhythm this runs smoothly. I am very grateful for this product and can recommend it to everyone. 5 stars.

Mrs. Rianne Laterveer, Zutphen, Netherlands

At the end of August 2015 biometric research indicated that I was strongly affected by electromagnetic radiation . My husband had already been suffering for some time from radiation related complaints like insomnia. Therefore we asked Shielding Technologies to measure the radiation in our house. Based on the resluts of the measurement we started to use Life Rhythm – The Tube, Life Rhythm – Inside (for cellphone and laptop) and a new test product of Life Rhythm. After we started to use these products we sleep much better and we have more energy than before. Next to that we are more concentrated than before. Also worth to mention is that our 2 cactuses are performing much better since we placed the new Life Rhythm product.We are very satisfied with the Life Rhythm products because they have increased our quality of life. We are also satisfied with the way in which Shielding Technologies investigated the radiation in our house: professional and very informative.

Mrs. N.H., Reuver, Netherlands

My experience with Life Rhythm – The Tube is that already the first night after I started using it I slept better than before. I was amazed because I had not realized that that could be one of the effects of using the tube. I only heard that when I mentioned it to the producer of the tube. It was nice to hear and to realize that I was not imagining the effect. I have been suffering from insomnia for years and when using Life Rhythm – The Tube I feel much better: I feel that I have more energy than before.

My husband always felt tired while driving in our car. However, since he started to carry Life Rhythm – The Tube with him he feels better while driving. So he and I are very happy with the tube.

Mr. Rob van Bergen, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands

I am electro hyper sensitive and for my work I have to give presentations for large numbers of people. During the presentations we use electronic equipment (light and audio) that affects me and that is also the case for all cellphones of the people who attend my presentations. Since I started to carry Life Rhythm – The Tube with me during the presentations I feel less tired than before. And when I occasionally forget the tube I feel that right away.

Mrs. Lenie Maruanaja, Amsterdam, Netherlands

I always put Life Rhythm – The Tube under my pillow when I go to sleep. Since I started to use the tube I do not have the headaches anymore which I used to have in the mornings. Next to that I no longer have problems with my right ear. I have been using Life Rhythm – The Tube since May 2014 and because of that I have more energy than before and I therefore feel great.

Mr. Th.L. van Noort, Dreumel, Netherlands

My story is very special. Until spring 2014 I had been suffering for years from eczema on my hands. The itching was unbearable and the medecine that was prescribed by dermatologist dr. O.Q.J. Swinkels of Rivierenlans Hospital in Tiel (Netherlands) only helped partly and for a short period of time. After years of treatment my dermatologist informed me that I probably had to live with eczema for the rest of my life.

Picture 1 shows the situation at January 23, 2014.Because my brother Gerard (CEO of Biotech Silicates) had read an article of Kikuji Yamashita *) about the effect of infra red emitting minerals he proposed to start carrying Life Rhythm – The Tube with me. The  result was remarkable. After two weeks the eczema had almost disappeared.

Picture 2 shows the situation at February 6, 2014.

After 10 months the eczema had almost disappeared completely.

Picture 3 shows the situation at December 12, 2014.

I am a sceptical person but what has happened with my eczema is more than remarkable.

I still carry Life Rhythm – The Tube with me all the time and I fortunately do no longer suffer from eczema.

*) Chapter 14, “The effects of the Far-Infrared Ray (FIR) Energy Radiation on Living Body” from “Blood Cell – An Overview of Studies in Hematology”, book edited by Terry E. Moschandreou, ISBN 978-953-51-0753-8, Published: September 21, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license. © The Author(s).

Picture 1 – January 23, 2014

Picture 2 – February 6, 2014

Picture 3 – December 12, 2014

Mr Nicolás Díaz Mobilia, Amsterdam, Netherlands

I am electro hyper sensitive and i therefore suffer from insomnia. Next to that I have prproblems with my muscles and joints. After consulting an expert I decided to try Life Rhythm – The Tube for a few weeks: during the day I carried it with me in my pocket and during the night I left it next to my bed. Ever since I sleep better and wake up fitter than before. And I have the impression that it makes me less sensitive for electromagnetic radiation.

Mr Wai Keung Man, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Since I started to carry Life Rhythm-The Tube with me during the day and since I put the tube near my bed at night I know I sleep better than before and because of that I feel fitter when I wake up.

Mrs D.A., Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

I have been carrying Life Rhythm – The Tube with me for 3 months now and I am very happy with it. Before i started with Life Rhythm I used to drink 3 cups of coffee per day in order to keep fit and focused. When I have Life Rhythm – The Tube with me all day and all night I can concentrate better and I can work longer with my computer. Apart from that I sleep better and after waking up in the morning I have more energy than before I started to use Life Rhythm – The Tube. Therefore I carry Life Rhythm – The Tube with me all the time. Sometimes I forget to take the tube with me but I feel the difference right away.

Mrs F.A., Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

I am 70 years old, I do not sleep well and normally I do not have a lot of energy. With Life Rhythm – The Tube under my pillow I sleep better and do not wake up so often anlymore. Apart from that I have more energy than before and therefore I am very happy to have the tube.

Mrs. F.E., Beverly Hills, California, U.S.A.

In the beginning I was very sceptical about Life Rhythm – The Tube but I decided to try the tube after my friend told me about it. I had heart problems and suffered from headaches and got tired very quickly. With Life Rhythm – The Tube I am more active, more relaxed and less tired than I used to be. Apart from that I sleep better and use use less medication than before I started to carry Life Rhythm with me. I have been using Life Rhythm – The Tube for a few months now and I feel that it works. Therefore I will recommend the tube to my familiy and friends.

Mr Mark Tichenor, Mulmur, Ontario, Canada

I love the tube. It is always with me.

What I have noticed is that since I have Life Rhythm – The Tube I seldom have a reaction to walking around towns or cities, or even to short exposures to WiFi in coffee shops. I used to get a lot of leg and hip pain, almost immediately.


Learn more about Life Rhythm in the following links:

Unique concept

How it works

Interview inventor Hans Geesink (Dutch – Subtitled in English))

Scientific publication of Hans Geesink and Dirk Meijer – March 2016