Why Stetzerizer products instead of other brands?

Declaration by Dave Stetzer about the advantages of Stetzerizer products compared to other brands

See the link: Why Stetzerizer products instead of other brands?

– Dave Stetzer and Martin Graham are the world wide experts about dirty electricity
– Dave Stetzer and Martin Graham discovered the phenomenon of dirty electricity
– Dave Stetzer and Martin Graham are the experts who defined what dirty electricity is
– Dave Stetzer and Martin Graham designed the first filter to eliminate dirty electricity
– Dave Stetzer and Martin Graham designed the first “easy to handle” device to measure dirty electricity
– Stetzerizer products are the only ones that were scientifically examined and the statistically significant results
have been published in peer-reviewed medical and industrial magazines
– Almost all competing filter brands have not developed their own measurement device and they therefore use the
Stetzerizer microsurge meter



Stetzerizer netfilters and Stetzerizer microsurge meter

Stetzerizer microsurge meter

Stetzerizer netfilters


Read more about:

What is dirty electricity?

What causes dirty electricity?

Health effects caused by dirty electricity

Solution to drastically lower exposure to dirty electricity

Experiences of our customers with Stetzerizer netfilters

Measure dirty electricity by yourself

How to install Stetzerizer netfilters? Important!

What are GS-units?

Stetzerizer netfilters – Technical information